A healthy lawn reaps many benefits besides the obvious curb appeal it adds to your home. Consider these other benefits:

Grass Reduces Greenhouse Gas – Grass absorbs greenhouse gas and converts it into life-giving oxygen.   A 2,500 square foot lawn converts enough carbon dioxide into oxygen to sustain a family of four!

Grass Is Nature’s Air Conditioner – On a hot summer day, lawns will typically be 30 degrees cooler than asphalt and 14 degrees cooler than bare soil.   Aside from just creating a comfortable setting, grass also reduces energy demand by lowering the ambient temperature around a home.

Grass Purifies Water – Turf (grass) roots act as a natural environmental filter, and in combination with soil biology make lawn root zones an ideal medium for the biodegradation of contaminants that are carried in runoff water.

Grass Purifies the Air – Grass absorbs and purifies some of the worst atmospheric pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and ozone. 

Your Lawn

A Beautiful Lawn
Doesn't Happen by Itself

It takes time, attention, and the right care to produce a thick, healthy, green lawn. Since Eagle is a neighborhood lawn service, we take great pride in each lawn we care for as if it were our own.
