Pre-emergents help control and prevent the growth of over 30 unwanted weeds and grasses. The primary target of our treatment is crabgrass; however, the pre-emergent application will control a number of weeds and grasses, including chickweed, foxtail, and knotweed. Many of these weeds begin to germinate four to six weeks prior to crabgrass. 

In Kentucky, crabgrass typically germinates during the month of April. However, crabgrass can continue to germinate through August.  

Please Do Not Disturb The Soil after the pre-emergent is applied.  De-thatching, aerating, and other activities will destroy the barrier created by the pre-emergent and greatly reduce its effectiveness.


Your Lawn

A Beautiful Lawn
Doesn't Happen by Itself

It takes time, attention, and the right care to produce a thick, healthy, green lawn. Since Eagle is a neighborhood lawn service, we take great pride in each lawn we care for as if it were our own.
