Annual Lawn Care Programs

The people at Eagle Lawn Care are experts at growing, developing, and maintaining thick, healthy, green lawns. We use the most effective products and provide exceptional service to ensure your lawn performs at its full potential.

Based on the needs of your lawn, we will develop a specific lawn care program that will provide the results you want. Since we are a neighborhood lawn service, we have a vested interest in making sure your lawn looks its best. There are no long-term contracts with Eagle. We want to build a long term relationship based on our results.

What You Can Expect

We are your lawn care provider. We are always available to answer any of your lawn care questions, because we’re as proud of your lawn as you are and want it to look its best.

  • We will meet with you to review your lawn and discuss your desired results. 
  • We fully explain our recommended treatment plan as well as any alternatives.
  • We use the most effective products when we treat your lawn.
  • We will let you know if there are any concerns with your lawn.
  • If a treatment is adversely affected by the weather, we will always retreat your lawn.
  • We keep an eye on your lawn, even between treatments.  If we see an issue, we will address it.
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Due to a number of natural conditions (heat, drought, insects, turf diseases, compacted soil, etc.), even the best maintained turf grass will thin out over time. As the seasons pass, your lawn will become increasingly susceptible to crabgrass and other unwanted weeds.

The best way to maintain a thick and healthy lawn is to overseed in the fall. In fact, Eagle recommends overseeding every two to four years.

Not only will overseeding improve the appearance of your lawn, but a thick and healthy lawn helps choke out crabgrass and dandelions (along with a host of other weeds). In addition, a thick fescue lawn requires less water to stay green.


Aerating is one of the most beneficial, but most forgotten tools in creating a healthy lawn. Over time, soil naturally becomes compacted and thatch begins to build up. This chokes your lawn’s roots and blocks fertilizers and nutrients from reaching the soil.  Aerating your lawn provides the following benefits:

  • Breaks up thatch
  • Improves the oxygen exchange between the soil and air
  • Enhances the soils water absorption
  • Improves the effectiveness of fertilizers and nutrients
  • Encourage deep root growth

The people at Eagle Lawn Care are experts.